Monday, February 16, 2009

Absolue nothing changes...

Two days after Valentine. Nothing changes.... I am still the same. I was in the office most of the time. Trying to hide from the burning hot sun. Thirsty? me..yes. There's some construction work going on somewhere around where my office situated..can't imagine that these workers are under hot scorching sun, doing all the brick laying and so on.

Now what...I got customers even during lunch time. to go...
Till we meet again... Adios!


Medusa said...

hehe.. i got tanned! :) hello there c honey! :) hehe lots of tags in here.. hehe.. im gonna do mine soon

Unknown said...

kulit terbakar? ya....itulah kehidupan. byk orang yg terpaksa bekerja dibawah terpaan sinar mentari yg panas luar biasa. Demi sesuap nasi mereka bertahan.

Apple said...

very hot nowadays. oso with the busy, double the hot n spicy.. hoho

Unknown said...

Me? I got sick for 2 med leave start to work again..very the hot la hehehhee

HoneyBUZZin said...

Beckkkkkkk - apasal ko tia muncul lagi? uhuk uhuk..kamu sihat ka Beck?

fanny - bersyukur kerana kita tidak bekerja seprti itu...demi mencari sesuap nasi

Ryu -'s really hot nowadays

Alv - sorry to hear dat u are not feeling take Care. take plenty of fluid k. Love ya

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...


exploe said...

Waduh........lagi ngomongin apaan sih,maaf saya ga ngerti bahasa inggris, jadi absen aja deh sekalian mau kabarin alamat baru.


Unknown said...

hai, Honey! apa kabar?

HoneyBUZZin said...

Willie...nothing special about my Valentine Day...It's just another day..

HoneyBUZZin said...

Pauls - my friend...cerita biasa biasa saja. Thank you kerana melawat Honey.
