Monday, November 17, 2008

It's a Tag - 7 Dream Cars

Ferrari California
Brabus Tesla
Porsche 911 GT2
Mercedes Benz SLK 55AMG

1. The title of your entry must be "My 7 Dreams Cars" ...
Honey said - Can't bring myself to put up the's heartbreaking
...sobsobsob I don't wanna be..ALICE IN DREAMLAND..hwaaaa...
2. Add a link to the person who tagged you
Honey said - OK..... MUMMYblossom
3. List your 7 dream cars (preferably with pics of those cars)
Honey said - I got four..the rest will be bus, my small car and both feet
4. Tag at least 7 other bloggers
I would really like to know your dream cars..hey guys, u're tagged!
(1) Nika
(2) Salma
(3) Claire
(4) San-Piasau
(5) Bambangan - Labuan
(6) Beck-thebandagedknee
(7) Andrik


Medusa said...

hehe already grabbed this tag! hargh! kinda susa.. coz not really fan of cars.. hehe.. but lov to do it! haha! :D xoxxoo ty hun! have enuf rest n rock on, then! hehe..

Nika said...

alamak sa kena ka??? ba nanti sa palan bikin aaa

Medusa said...

hehe... awal pagi ni baru sa post honey girl.. hehe ^_^ ngam2.. my sis bwa cd balik.. trus tinguk ni.. xD sweet dream hun! ^^ sa bru mo tidur.. lol.. xoxoxo

Apple said...

wheres Hummer again? Hmm.. Guess im the only one loves Hummer.. :)

Sogoh said...

wow...high taste...ko ooo...nice post lah...c u honeybuzz

:: the truth :: said...

honey i'm here! :D big smile for U..i love car,i'll do it right NOW!

Wel^Beiolman said...

wah.u really like sport very la expensive tu..somemore not very effective if standard jalan d msia..haha..

Japrin said...

add urs to mine blogroll.. :)

Kris and Nadia said...

Atokoi brabus lagi tu..huhu...the best :-)

Nika said...

Alamak sia kena ka... sabar2 ja aar nanti sia kumpul dulu sia punya dream car...