Chinese New Year is just around the corner. If you are celebrating this auspicious ocassion, I would like to wish you "HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR", "Gong Xi Fa Cai"....many many "ongs'..many good things coming your way!
Happy Holidays too. Xoxoxo.......
(Credit to Walt Disney "Mulan". Pictures taken from google)
6 years back, Popo (my gramma) died. She used to gv us firecrackers and fireworks (the small one) to play during CNY. Of coz we love angpow but firecrackers even better. (o_o)V
One best memory of CNY is when my cousin and i burn joss stick belong to Popo. At that time, we thought that joss stick is the same with fireworks. lol!
Few weeks ago, i read about the gov of China is supplying audio CD with the sound of firecrackers. For me, it simply cant compares with the real one. Whats your opinion Honey?
Really? There must be a reason. To be very honest with you, I love firecrackers.
What is a celebration without firecrackers and fireworks? But then again, it is also a waste of money especially fireworks. One single big loud firework display can easily costs several hundreds ringgit. The neighbourhood where I will stay during new year(not in Sabah) played a continuosly 1-2hours of fireworks starting eve..and imagine how much money are there burnt to waste?
So..there's always pro and cons in this matter. No way you can compare playing real and running the audio.
But as for me, it's the get-together with families and loves one are most important.
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