Sunday, March 8, 2009

No medications....

A doctor advises his patients to exercise their neck by just reading this message.
In the end, all patients go home happily without asking the doctor for any medications. 'It is very effective,' said the doctor.
'All my patients never come back to me again.'


D.L Sumunie said...

Ha ha ha honey I did tried...and the doctor is rite...he he where did you get this ah?? :D

you are really creative...

Unknown said...

nice and funny poem.

erizabesu said...

hehe...honey i really like your post.
the method really helps ooh.

p.s honey..happy women's day ah. ( terlambat 1 hari sudah ;p)

ღ NinieJane ღ said...

hehehe.. honey, miring kepala sa juga oo

kiri kanan sa tingu, mau kasi tbalik ni monitor ni mau tngu :P hehehe

ee.. i wont forget uuuu baa.. :D ko mra sa kalau sa forget aa..

take care honeyy

Unknown said...

visit you. how's your day?

Lee said...

Fantastic idea. Love watching my screen sideways, ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.

Apple said...

Haha! I did my exercise as i i read this. Thanks for this! haha!

ღ NinieJane ღ said...

hi honey, how are u :)

Kris and Nadia said...

hebatnya ni post.. sya mau baca la hari2 :)

GC said...

i need this :D thanks.